
Swedes take full responsibility for political hysteria over global warming


Stockholm 2009-12-11 av Göran Ahlgren

Stockholm Initiative dedicated to a mental clean-up
A petition titled “Rethink climate policy!” assembles more than 1200 endorsers in a short time
STOCKHOLM, Dec. 11. “Since it was all started here about 40 years ago, we have to take it on ourselves to clean up this mess”, says Göran Ahlgren, a former chemistry professor and now initiator of the Stockholm Initiative, an organization dedicated to promoting rational climate, energy and environment policies.
A petition titled “RETHINK CLIMATE POLICY”, launched by the Stockholm Initiative, is voicing the concerns of those that have not bought the climate scare, both among the general public and the educated scientific community. The petition is an open letter to the EU Chairman, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, and was made public just a couple of weeks ago. Since then, it has received droves of signers, now hitting the 1200’s. Among the more prominent ones are Richard S. Lindzen and S. Fred Singer, both iconic climate science pioneers.
The Stockholm Petition, its English version found at, was delivered to the EU Chairman Prime Minister Fredrik two weeks ago, on Thursday, November 26. At present, Mr. Reinfeldt is at the forefront to raise the EU’s ante at the ongoing climate negotiations at the COP15 in Copenhagen. The petition is open for endorsing at for the purpose of raising and uniting the opinion against planned climate policies.
According to Professor Ahlgren, the seeds of the present climate policies were planted during private brain storm sessions in a Swedish sauna between Olof Palme and his tennis partner Bert Bolin, a climatologist. Palme went on to become the Swedish Prime Minister during the 1970’s. A decade later, in 1988, Bolin created the UN agency IPCC. Chairing it for ten years, he proved a bigger talent as a politician than as a scientist, taking the role as the leading international carbon dioxide scare apostle. Before passing away in 2007, he is claimed to have uttered: “Nobody has been able to prove us wrong”. Had he lived today, he would probably not have changed his mind, in spite of the fact that observations made in the last few years, now overwhelmingly point to green house gas emissions having no perceivable role in climate change.
That’s how science works. A paradigm is not buried until its proponents are. Thus, a generation of researchers dedicated to the study of climate computer games rather than the facts of nature is lost forever.
“We can’t expect our petition to influence the immediate political scenery, but we see it as a tool to assemble and create an opinion against current and planned policies. Through command economy measures these policies will devastate the environment and the economy while having no positive effect on the global climate,” said Ahlgren.
“Politicians depend on voters. If we can create an opinion against the climate scare politics in Sweden, one of the most fundamentalist countries in Europe in this respect, we can make politicians listen. In that case, we could turn the world," Ahlgren continued, "But we need international signers for our petition. We are all in this together, use your influence, make a difference”.
These sure are big words. But everything big started out small. And the signers for the petition keep pouring in.
For further information about the Stockholm Petition and the Stockholm Initiative, please visit or contact Göran Ahlgren, Ph.D., general secretary.

The Stockholm Initiative is a politically and economically independent non-profit organization dedicated to promoting rational climate-, energy-, and environmental policies. The Stockholm Initiative combines a broad scientific competence, commitment with society and environment with political, cultural and industrial experience.

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Skickad av Sven-Herman Walin den
Under flera år har jag försökt att få Susanna Baltscheffsky att undersöka riktigheten i de teser som spridits om människans påverkan på klimatet ända sedan Bert Bolin fick ihop Kyotoprotokollet (tydligen var han helt i händerna på FN:s politiker som önskade sig ett motiv för att hejdlöst kunna höja skatterna på medborgare, industri och alla objekt som kunde tänkas. Att jag redan på 1960-talet hörde Philip Thompson, som jag i tre års tid bodde granne med i Djursholm) fantisera om mänsklig påverkan på klimatet och att han fick med sig Bert Bolin tycker Baltscheffsky inte på något sätt kan vara intressant och hon har alltid inför mina upplysningar varit synnerligen klentrogen - men så fick hon ju också stora priset och hon förefaller inte mig vara den som sågar av den gren hon sitter på!
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